
Monday, January 27, 2014

Truths About Mondays

Happy Monday! As I was having my morning coffee, I came up with this list of truths about Mondays:

1. The alarm clock rings earlier.
You took a little longer to fall asleep last night because you were worrying about Monday, and now you're paying the price. That Monday morning alarm always comes a little too soon.

2. Everything moves in slow motion.
Getting dressed takes ages. Making breakfast becomes a twilight zone. Traffic is backed up on a road that's usually deserted. Your day is stuck in slow motion.

3. Rushing around only makes things worse.
You hit snooze one too many times. You lingered over breakfast because you got sucked in by the Today Show. Regardless of what's set you behind schedule, rushing around to catch up is only going to make things worse, which brings us to number 4...

4. You will forget something.
Try as you might, something will be forgotten. A lunch? A grocery list? An umbrella? It's a fun, cruel game.

5. You will make a mess.
At some point on Monday, you're going to make a mess. Whether it's spilling something on your clothes, knocking something over, or dropping something on the floor, it's inevitable that a mess will happen as you get back into your weekly routine. If I'm going to screw up my eye makeup, it's going to happen on a Monday morning.

6. You will wish it was still the weekend.
Face it-- even if you're a live in the moment type of person, we all like our Friday nights, Saturdays and Sundays. On Mondays, we will long for them to arrive once more.

7. You will remember a happy weekend memory.
You just wrapped up another glorious weekend-- hopefully you have something to smile about from spending time with loved ones.

8. You need to have something to look forward to.
This is crucial. To get through Monday, you need to have something fun planned for Monday evening. Meeting up with friends, dinner with family, watching a favorite TV show (The Bachelor, anyone?), or reading a good book are just a few suggestions. Do what makes you happy. Nothing gets me out of bed faster on a Monday than a new beauty product to try!

9. Your attitude sets the tone for the week.
Yes, Mondays are a little rough, but a negative attitude isn't going to help anything. Make up your mind that Monday is a fresh start to a new week, and don't wish your time away.

10. You will be relieved.
As you crawl into bed Monday night, you will be relieved and thankful that you made it through Monday. Now, you have a whole six days before you have to get to endure it all over again.


  1. To quote the Mamas & the Papas:

    Monday, Monday, can't trust that day
    Monday, Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way...

    Nice list!
